Company\'s History
АО «Астык Транс», как оператор вагонов зерновозов, АО «НК «КТЖ», как национальный перевозчик, при поддержки Министерства сельского хозяйства Казахстана инициировали, приостановленные ранее перевозки зерна в Китай.
Таким образом, из Казахстана в Китай перевезено зерновых – 2,3 млн. тонн (что стало рекордом за историю поставок в Китай).
Из 2,3 млн. тонн, перевезено железной дорогой – 1,8 млн. тонн., в том числе, в контейнерах – 1 млн. тонн, в крытых и вагонах-хопперах - 0,8 млн. тонн (что также стало рекордом и стало основным фактором роста перевозок в Китай в целом).
Урожай 2023г. в Казахстане - ниже запланированного и ниже урожая предыдущего года, кроме того, характеризуется беспрецедентным снижением качества из-за сложившихся погодных условий. В связи с этим рекордно вырос импорт российской пшеницы.
АО «Астык Транс» начало возить российскую пшеницу в Казахстан.
АО «Астык Транс» увеличило парк вагонов на 600 единиц, арендовав российские вагоны, что минимизировало любые риски профицита парка в сезон перевозок.
Всего парк в управлении Общества на сезон перевозок - 6300 хопперов-зерновозов.
АО «Астык Транс» сегодня:
- 6500 хопперов-зерновозов в управлении компании;
- 4,7 млн. тонн зерна и прочих сельхозгрузов перевозит компания в год;
- 38 млн. тонн зерна и прочих сельхозгрузов перевезла компания за время своего существования;
- За весь период деятельности компания инвестировала в подвижной состав порядка 45 млрд. тенге.
АО «Астык Транс» сегодня:
- Общество увеличило парк в управлении на 500 вагонов-хопперов за счет привлечения российского парка.
- Всего парк в управлении Общества на сезон перевозок - 6000 хопперов-зерновозов.
Урожай 2022 года зерновых и масличных культур составил 25,1 млн. тонн, что является рекордным за последние 10 лет. Данный фактор вызвал ажиотажный спрос на перевозки зерновых грузов в экспортных направлениях в 4 квартале 2022г. и 1 половине 2023г.
В 4 квартале ухудшился оборот вагонов в целом по сети, однако оборот по перевозкам Общества компенсирован маршрутизацией, организованной Обществом в экспортных сообщениях, что позволило обеспечить оборот вагонов лучше нормативного.
JSC "Astyk Trans" today:
- 6500 grain hoppers in the management of the company;
- 4.7 million tons of grain and other agricultural goods are transported by the company per year;
- The company transported 38 million tons of grain and other agricultural goods during its existence;
- For the entire period of activity, the company invested about 45 billion tenge in rolling stock.
JSC "Astyk Trans" together with JSC NC " KTZ " successfully implemented a grain transportation routing project. The organization of dispatch and step routes allowed to increase the turnover of the car fleet, reduce travel time, reduce the load on the railway network, provide discounts to customers for transportation of grain. The share of routes in export traffic was 25%, in transportation to the port of Aktau and Russian ports-50%.
The low harvest of 2019 also affected the decline in traffic in 2020.
In 2020, despite the pandemic, JSC "Astyk Trans" did not stop working for a single day and continuously provided grain transportation both in domestic directions for domestic flour mills and for export.
At the end of December 2020, 4.6 million tons of grain were transported by the end of the year.
JSC "Astyk Trans" organizes transportation of bulk non-grain cargo in semi-wagons.
In 2019 Rusagrotrans JSC sold 100% of the shares of Astyk Trans JSC to MALESTO INVESTMENTS.
2019 was marked by the lowest grain harvest in Kazakhstan over the past 10 years, which affected the decline in transportation in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole and transportation of JSC "Astyk Trans".
At the end of December 2019, 4.8 million tons of grain were transported by the end of the year.
JSC "Astyk Trans" made record investments, about 13 billion tenge in its own fleet. 721 grain wagons were purchased and major repairs were carried out with extension of the service life of 682 grain wagons.
At the end of December 2018, according to the results of the year, JSC "Astyk Trans" transported 5.8 million tons of grain, which was a record transportation. At the same time, 11.5 million tons of grain were transported in the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole, which also became a record transportation.
For the first time in the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the railway as a whole transported more than 1,200 tons of grain per month for three months (October, November, December). JSC "Astyk Trans" also transported a grain volume of more than 600 tons for the first time in each of these months. This was achieved thanks to the record harvest of 2018 and the optimal organization of railway transportation.
JSC "Astyk Trans" organizes transportation of grain and oilseeds in bulk and in a bag, as well as non-grain cargo in covered wagons.
At the end of December 2017, 4.8 million tons of grain were transported by the end of the year.
In December 2016, a 50% stake in JSC "Astyk Trans", owned by JSC "Kaztemirtrans", was put up for sale through an auction and bought by JSC "Rusagrotrans", which became the sole shareholder of the company.
At the end of December 2016, 5.0 million tons of grain were transported by the end of the year.
"In January 2015 JSC ""Kaztemirtrans" "and JSC ""Rusagrotrans ""transferred to the chartered capital of JSC" "Astyk Trans " 3000 grain wagons".
At the end of December 2015, together with attracted fleet of JSC "Kaztemirtrans" and JSC "Rusagrotrans", the operated rolling stock of JSC "Astyk Trans" amounted to 7201 wagons.
At the end of December 2015, 5.1 million tons of grain were transported by the end of the year.
Contracts were concluded with all grain hoppers in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At the end of December 2014, 6.5 tons of grain were transported at the end of the year.
In August 2013, within bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in the field of railway transportation and development of transit potential of both states, JSC "Astyk Trans" was established as a joint venture between JSC "Kaztemirtrans" and JSC "Rusagrotrans" (the largest Russian operator in the field of grain rail transportation).
JSC "Astyk Trans" operates using the attracted fleet of JSC "Kaztemirtrans" and JSC "Rusagrotrans". As a result, up to 2000 units of grain hoppers from the fleet of the Russian partner JSC Rusagrotrans were attracted to work in the Republic of Kazakhstan.